Welcome to my blog www.lutcarl16.blogspot.com

~Bio Data~
I am lutfi i can be quite shy when its about me. I am born in 14041991. Live life with his own enjoyment that is or are around him...

i love to play basketball,eat roti prata, play games and turtles.soo cute

i hate hypocrite ppl,dishonest,bragging when they are not that good or something particular to what they say and no sense of loyalty

i wish to have a active future and hopefully a very sweet and kind wife.


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~Jukie Boxie~
use mine? ._.



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[May 2014]

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Forgot! c0mments!
To layup or block under the rim you have to beat the position 1st before him if you couldnt make then fake him and go for a floater or fadeaway.when playing point guard if there is nobody to pass to, then drive to the 2pointer and see if your opponent is aware of you and make a quick jumpshot.another way is drive past your defender and see if a center is under the rim if so then make a floater about half meter from him so he couldnt block your shot as he is aware of whose he is guarding.
Tips for point guard is
-drive to side line to make your team to start moving away from you so you could pass.
-as a point guard you are the handler of the ball. whenever teamates couldnt pass its your duty to get it back or buy your another team player a time to get open for ball etc"run away and come for open and repeat that till he couldnt catch up with you.
-without the ball you have to deny the ball preventing a pass and move your feet,not 1 by1 but do in a jumping way.
-when you passed to a teamate try to cut in the basket and if you couldnt get the ball then move near a sideline or and open than shoot when you have the ball.
-when shooting you just shoot dont think. thinking while shooting makes your shooting slower and lesser accuracy.
-Sprinting everytime makes a vertical leap, so every game just sprint as if it is your last.
everything you do must have a reason and that is what makes a logic. if you do things without logic that means you very stupid.

I Played @ 12:27 AM

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Basketball c0mments!
I learned another way to train my vertical jump. i used a drum pedal and do it with rythm. when you do it with rythm, u r teaching your legs to react when u want it to, so when you are about to jump, your ankle automatically do what its supposed to do. Sprinting works quite well when you want a vertical leap. i did improve a little bit. even that bit makes me happier. to me skills is what you teach your body.when you teach, you are asking your body part to memorise. Jordan says "you failed 50 times you became a good at it". Now About shooting, i think that correcting your shooting mistakes makes you a better shooter. i think like that because its almost the same as ball handling. ball handling is easier to train than shooting because shooting, you need a rim while handling you just need a floor. everywhere i go there is a floor so it makes easier to train handling. since i started balling i train more on handling than shooting. shooting can be quite irritating when you are training alone. when you shoots the ball, it just bounce out the rim and you have to go get it. i have been neglecting my assignments because of basketball. i just cant get rid of this lazy habit. i think i got it from my brother or father. when i was young i used to observe my brother behaviour then i started to follow his attitude a little bit. thats when i went rude to people. when in secondary schools i observe from my friends behaviour and tried to follow it too. it seems that everybody around you are your influence. to me love comes 2nd. what i liked comes 1st. and i learned to not get too emotional by neglecting my emotions etc"when i was hurt by someones word or did something wrong i just push my emotions aside and asked myself to move on. everybody forgets the wrong things you done in a second. so if you tried to think harder into your emotions, you only makes things worse. one person would notice you are emotional. i hate emotional cause. when i think about it i just get more and more emotional. so i just found a temporary way to block those that is saying to yourself" Heck it, like i care about my emotions". thats how i survived having a conversation. if possible i want to block my emotions away and get back to my real self. u can admit im shy but i am definitely not a emotional person. the things that cause this emotion breakdown when you are severedly hurt emotionally. i just thought that i get this when playing 3on3 competition. a person was clearly better than me. i just lose confidence and think more about how i would look than how i would response. its a bad feeling when you get too emotionally. people would find you very weird for that. because you have to think before you speak. when you do that it just gets slower in conversation. so i would rather speaks my thoughts than keeping it a secret.even if it hurts someone. if you are afraid of hurting someone than its better not talking. even of you hurt a high self esteem person he would just forget it. on life, there will be rejections. if you cant take rejections than you probably wont survive in conversation. thats what i told myself. every seconds i tried to improve anything that exist in this world. etc i thinked of a way for basketball. correcting problems i have. till the next post then.

I Played @ 11:39 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009
the lost art of my crossover c0mments!
since last year i changed my way of crossovering dribble. i tried to follow allen iverson crossover moves. it went perfect. i could break peoples ankle with it but the bad thing is i have no control over my dribble after i cross people,meaning i couldnt get the ball in my hands when running pass defender. then just last week i do simple crossover training. i realize the basic is more comfortable than the allen iverson crossover. when i do that at court i could do it smoothly and i have high percentage of scoring after that. i was so happy that this art of crossover is easier it is to control. i did it since sec2 ,thats why i could do it smoothly. the difference of my crossover and the allen crossover was, iverson palm was facing towards opponent but you have no control over it unless you train for years or months.mine was facing downwards to the ground,i could dribble it down whenever i wanted or cross to my other hand. Now about fears, fears is not your father so you don't have to get worried. This fear thing has slown me down in games. i must learn to attack fears instead of defending. last time my attitude towards basketball was act 1st before thinking. i believed in my intuition thats why last time i did not lose so much. im done writing.

I Played @ 11:41 PM